Mountain Vector Energy has been working with Presbyterian Healthcare Services (PHS) since 2012. As the largest healthcare system in New Mexico, PHS needed a way to identify wasted utility usage across multiple buildings, including their hospitals. Ready to invest in their energy efficiency, PHS faced big challenges. Some of their buildings were constructed in the 1930s, and making the biggest impact within their resources was priority.
PHS reached out to Mountain Vector Energy to manage data, apply for rebates and consult the Performance Team, which includes facility managers and technical personnel. Since then, Mountain Vector Energy has taken data from utility bills, BAS, IDR data, capital equipment proposals and new construction plans to deliver actionable information. Meeting with the Performance Team twice monthly to report on savings results and opportunities, all team members bring their knowledge and insights on facilities and energy management.
“It’s really a great asset to have that knowledge sitting in the room,” Long says. “We evaluate infrastructure needs, we talk about problems, we investigate solutions. We also look at demand issues and performance year over year so we can see how we’re doing.”
-Keith Long, Director of Engineering for PHS
Insights into energy management are shared across the entire Presbyterian system. PHS leaders are engaged in learning how utility management benefits PHS. The ability to report utility savings in dollar amounts, instead of just kWh, facilitates communication between the Performance Team and PHS leadership.
Square Feet
Capital Projects/Year
Solar Facilities
Capital Project
Assessments in Progress
Total Rebates
Over the course of our working relationship, PHS doubled their square footage. They’ve added many hospitals, clinics and new wings to treat more patients. However, their cost per square foot has remained largely flat, with only a nominal spend increase in electricity, gas and water. They were able to achieve these great results without sacrificing patient comfort or quality of care.
2015- Presbyterian Health Services was highlighted by Bizjournals for their hospital energy efficiency. Click to read the article.